Route ‘Fausto Coppi’

Difficulty levels: medium

Distance: 76.7

Altitudes: 1295

Route ‘Fausto Coppi’

A slalom between the fortified fortresses of Romagna and Marche

The highest point of our first hinterland is dedicated to one of the greatest rouleurs. San Marino and its three towers are visible from the sea. Bear it in mind when you drink your coffee cup on the hotel terrace: they will be at your side all the way.

The hills of Romagna: a luxury for the eyes and for the heart. Keep our eyes well open for these 77 km. From Riccione to San Marino we’ll ride ten km on dirt road single track behind the river Marano. Then we will climb to the summit of Mount Titano [750 mt. D +]. The view of the three overhanging towers on the Adriatic Riviera will leave you breathless, promised. The return is dedicated to the river Marecchia and to white roads. At last.